On Mon. 1/31/11, Mohegan's FAS-Team members trained at Headquarters on patient packaging, ropes and knots, and raising and lower a patient in a stokes basket. Under the direction of Mohegan's FAS-Team Coordinator Deputy Chief George Keesler, members first reviewed the steps of treating a patient who has been injured in a non-life threatening situation. The "patient" had to be strapped to a backboard using webbing. Once this was completed, the patient was then transferred into a stokes basket for removal. Once this exercise was complete, members then set up a rope pulley system to raise and lower the stokes basket with the patient inside. Members practiced both raising and lowering the stokes basket, which required setting up a rack system to an anchor point, in this scenerio Ladder 35's anchor point. A pulley system was also set up above the patient, which could be a ground ladder, aerial ladder or fixed object in a real situation. Once this evolution was done, members also reviewed the steps as to how to set up the Firefighter's Gemtor harness into an lower system and attaching the harness to an anchor point. This evolution in a real situation would be to lower a member off a roof or out a window for a high angle pick-off to make a rescue of a person from a window. The FAS-Team would like to thank Probationary Firefighter Brianna Keesler for acting as the patient. |