Quick Work at Restaurant Fire
By MVFA Webmaster
May 13, 2020

On Wednesday evening 5/13/20, Mohegan FD (volunteer and career) were dispatched to the Wendy’s fast food restaurant on East Main St (Rt 6) in Cortlandt for smoke in the building with a reported kitchen fire. Upon arrival of units, smoke was visible throughout the building with a small fire located in the kitchen grill area. Firefighters knocked down the fire utilizing a dry chemical ABC extinguisher. One 1 3/4” hoseline was also stretched and operated from Engine 252 to ensure the fire was fully extinguished. Engine 252 also secured a postive water source with a 5” hoseline from a close by hydrant. Ladder 35’s aerial ladder plus ground ladders were set up by other firefighters to allow access to the roof to ensure there was no further fire spread in the exhaust fan unit, no minimal damage sustained. No fire extension was found and the restaurant was then ventilated using exhaust fans. The Town of Cortlandt Code Enforcement (FM-26) assisted on scene and notifications were made to the Westchester County Department of Health. All units cleared the scene by 11pm. Units on scene were Car 2261, 2263, 226-40, 2264, 2266, 2269, 22610, Engine 252, Engine 256, Ladder 35 and Rescue 32. Photos courtesy of FF Sam Stretz and FF Gus Stretz.

Units: Car 2261, 2263, 226-40, 2264, 2266, 2269, 22610, Engine 252, Engine 256, Ladder 35 and Rescue 32