Hoseline And Portable Master Streams Training
By 2nd Lieutenant Chris Gravius
May 24, 2011

On Tues. 5/24/11, Mohegan's weekly Tuesday night training was held at the Furnace Woods Fire Station. This week's topic was hydrants, hoselines, and portable master streams. Members began by practicing hydrant operations to gain an adequate water supply. Members then set up two portable master streams being supplied by Engine 252. One portable deluge gun had a 5 inch supply line intake and the other utilized two 2 1/2" supply hoselines. Members began to operate the portable master streams, which can be used for fire attack and/or exposure protection. Members trained on the fog nozzle and smooth bore nozzles on the portable master streams and how a smooth bore nozzle needs 80psi and a fog nozzle needs 100 psi. Once members practiced with both units, the portable master streams were shut down and members switched to hoseline advancement. Members practiced how to properly flake out a hoseline in order to advance it into a structure and also how to properly advance a charged hoseline. Again, this training is part of the extensive training program in place.