The Mohegan Volunteer Fire Association Is Always Looking For Volunteers!
Click here to view Mohegan's recruitment video.
Firefighter Requirements:
- Must be at least 16 years of age
- Pass a Mandatory NYS Arson Check & Background Check
- Complete Department Training
- Take a New York State required Firefighter 1 course within 1 year
- Complete 1 year of department probation
Emergency Medical Services Requirements: 
- Must be at least 16 years of age
- Pass a Mandatory NYS Arson Check & Background Check.
- Complete department training including BLS CPR and other various department training
- May take New York State EMT Basic training course or Emergency Vehicle Operator Course (EVOC/CEVO)
- Complete 2 years of department probation
Additional Training:
After completing your training you may take additional training in items like:
Firefighter 2, Hazmat training, Technical Rescue, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and many others.
Volunteers receive many different types of benefits. All fire training will be paid for by the Lake Mohegan Fire District while EMS training is provided by the MVFA-VAC. Other requirements may apply. For more information or an application to join, please contact the Mohegan Volunteer Fire Association.
Many former members have moved on to careers related to their volunteer training. Some careers include full-time firefighters, full-time EMT's/Paramedics, registered nurses, flight nurse, law enforcement and many others. Volunteering could start you in a new career path, not to mention that you would be helping out the community in which you live.
How To Apply:
To apply, you can stop by Headquarters at 1975 E. Main St in Mohegan Lake or you can download the application, fill it out and return it to the firehouse. The drop off boxes are located just inside the glass front door.
For Ambulance Corps only please make sure you download, fill out and have notorized both the Application AND the background check
Any questions, please feel free to contact us at (914) 526-0823 or email
Note: You must fill out the entire membership application. Applicants under the age of 18 must also fill out the parental consent form. Sorry, we do not accept electronic submissions of applications.