Tonight Thursday 1/17/19, Mohegan Firefighter Matthew Kness proudly graduated the New York State Firefighter I curriculum held in neighboring Putnam County at the Putnam County Bureau of Emergency Services in Carmel. The NYS FF I curriculum is over 120 hours of intense classroom and hands on training to become an interior firefighter. At tonight’s ceremony Mohegan FD 2nd Assistant Chief Gravius and 4th Lieutenant Mueller attended in proud support of FF Kness while the other Chiefs and Officers attended our monthly departmental meeting. We thank FF Kness for his dedication to our department! Typically our members are students at the Westchester County Fire Training Center, however due to scheduling around FF Kness’ out of state college enrollment and Putnam County opening up the class to out of county firefighters, FF Kness was able to attend and complete the training! We thank Putnam County and all the instructors for their service!
Mohegan FD with Putnam County B.E.S. Commissioner Ken Clair