The Mohegan FD is proud to announce that our 5 Probationary Firefighters are now active firefighters to respond to fire/rescue calls in our district as exterior firefighters. Tonight Mon 4/22/19, our probies were tested on the culmination of 2 months of training on various topics including hoselines, hydrants, ground ladders, aerial ladders, vehicle extrication, saws, ventilation, small engines, search and rescue, and SCBA. Tonight these probationary firefighters first took their in-house 50 question written exam and then were tested on practical evolutions to prove their proficiency on our equipment and their uses. After completing and passing the 2 month 2019-1 LMFD In-House Probationary Firefighter Training testing tonight, our Probationary Firefighters were issued their gear numbers, accountability tags, firehouse key, portable radios, and traffic vests. The next step for these firefighters is to complete the New York State Basic Exterior Fireground Operations/Firefighter I/HazMat Operations/Firefighter Survival Training and our departmental bailout training to become interior firefighters.
We congratulate again to our newest probationary firefighters:
Probationary Firefighter Kellen Cantrell Probationary Firefighter Brian Goldberg Probationary Firefighter Paul Cirillo Probationary Firefighter Kyle Theall Probationary Firefighter Connor Scott (not pictured) |