Today Wednesday 5/1/19 Mohegan FD and Mohegan Volunteer Fire Association Volunteer Ambulance Corps again were graciously invited by the Lakeland Central School District to attend another Career Fair and Expo. Today, members were on hand at Lakeland High School in Shrub Oak. Members were on hand from 10am-1pm in the high school’s library explaining what we do. We took this as a great opportunity to reach out to try to recruit young members who are in high school to join (16 years old or older). We were able to hand out literature, applications, and show off some of our equipment. We interacted with students and spoke in an informal manner about emergency services and what we do, along with the Yorktown Police Department, who also had a table next to ours. If anybody is interested in joining, please stop by Fire Headquarters on Rt 6 and pick up and application at any time! Any questions, you can also email us at Photos courtesy of Lt Shapiro.